Abra makes apps accessible

Our mission is to make app accessibility straightforward. As pioneers, we want to ensure that many more apps become accessible. With our products and services we help you to make your apps accessible.

Illustratie van een persoon die bovenop een stapel mobiele apparaten zit met een toegankelijkheidsstempel

Why choose Abra?

Our clients are leading in app accessibility by using the Abra ecosystem. They're creating apps that are accessible for all users. Choose Abra if you are serious about accessibility.

  • Faster testing

    Test faster using automated accessibility testing solutions.

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  • Clear solutions

    Turn tricky accessibility problems into quick fixes.

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  • Prevent issues

    Empower your team with our ecosystem and knowledge.

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Our clients

Together with our clients, we’re making apps more accessible. Our goal is to integrate accessibility into every process—ensuring apps not only become accessible but stay that way.

ABN Amro logo
De Volkskrant logo
Videoland logo
Pinch logo

Our products

Our software allows you to automatically detect accessibility issues in apps. Use our dashboard and academy to solve the issues together with your team.

Our services

We are looking forward to help you improve the accessibility of your apps. We develop accessible apps ourselves, so we know what we're talking about.

  • Consulting

    We answer your questions and help to make your apps accessible.

    Explore consulting
  • Auditing

    We audit apps, regardless of the framework they are built with.

    Explore auditing
  • Training

    We provide training to take your team's accessibility to the next level.

    Explore training
  • Testing

    Let users with disabilities test your app using assistive technologies.

    Explore testing
ABN Amro logo

“The training provided by Abra resulted in increased accessibility knowledge within our app development team.”

Portrait photo of Jeroen
Jeroen de Vrind
Senior iOS App Developer

How accessible is your app?