
Welcome to our blog, we share insights and tips to create accessible apps.

  • Abra wins Best in Tech award

    The Dutch Interactive Awards (DIA) are the prizes for the very best interactive work by Dutch makers. The best professionals in the field have a chance to win a DIA PRO. Read more »

  • Abra celebrates new Appt website and handbook

    In celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), we are excited to share the new Appt website and the new Appt accessibility handbook . These resources make it easier to make apps accessible. Abra is proud to have sponsored and contributed to these projects. Read more »

  • New co-owner Mike Slinkman strengthens Abra

    Building accessible websites. That's the passion of developer Mike Slinkman (31). As the new co-owner of Abra B.V., he complements co-founders Jan Jaap de Groot and Paul van Workum. Get to know Mike and be the first to peek into his future plans. Read more »

  • Abra releases Abra Desktop Beta

    Abra proudly announces the beta launch of Abra Desktop . This innovative product empowers teams to automatically check the accessibility of their apps. It's a significant step towards Abra's mission of ensuring apps are accessible for everyone. Read more »

  • Tanya van Workum joins the Abra team

    Tanya van Workum had been involved with Abra since the start of Abra. As Paul’s partner she has been a sparring partner since the beginning and works for Abra on a project basis. Until recently, this was always in the background. Read more »

  • Prioritizing accessibility in "The Smartest at Home" app

    On July 31st, it's happening. Loyal viewers of De Slimste Mens (" The Smartest Person" ) already have the start of the new season marked in their calendars. The app of this popular quiz has been a big success among avid players for years. Up until now, the game in this app could only be played individually against each other or the computer. Read more »

  • DICTU: "We now look at accessibility through a different lens"

    DICTU is one of the major service providers in the field of ICT within the Dutch government. Other organizations within the government enlist the services of DICTU for various ICT matters. DICTU consists of different departments, including Web & App Services. This department develops and manages websites and apps for the Dutch government. Gerbrant van den Hengel , as a product owner, shares responsibility for the development of various apps at DICTU. The connection with Abra was established a few years ago. Read more »

  • Measuring app accessibility maturity

    To meet the legal requirements of digital accessibility, apps need to be accessible for everyone, including people with disabilities. What this means, and how to achieve this as an organization, is often less clear. Read more »

  • DigiHandig app made fully accessible with the help of Abra

    Kristel Thieme of New Future Lab is one of the founders of DigiHandig. "In the Netherlands, almost 4 million people are not fully participating in the digital society. That is a huge challenge. Together with Game Tailors and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, we developed a tool to train digital skills in a fun and efficient way." Read more »