Abra SDK

With the Abra SDK you can add accessibility checks to your existing tests. Run accessibility tests locally, or from your CI/CD. The results are shown in your IDE and in the Abra Dashboard.

In development

Abra SDK icon

How does it work?

After installing the Abra SDK, you can easily add automated accessibility checks to your test cases. With our SDK, you can catch accessibility issues before they reach your users. Our SDK is compatible with both Android and iOS.

Tests can be executed on a device or simulator, either in the cloud or locally. Detected accessibility issues are sent to the Abra Dashboard. Solutions for each issue are provided in the Abra Academy.

What can it test?

The Abra SDK uses the full power of the Abra Test Engine. It can find accessibility issues such as:

  • Text scaling problems

  • Insufficient color contrast

  • Missing name, role and value

  • Missing landscape mode

Frequently Asked Questions

Results are immediately available after finishing your tests. It usually takes less than 5 seconds to scan a screen.

Please contact us so we can personally assist you setting up Abra SDK.

The Abra SDK uses the Abra Test Engine to check for a range of accessibility issues. These include text scaling, screen orientation, contrast, and semantics such as labels, names, roles, and values.

Yes, the same test engine is used in Abra Cloud and Abra Desktop. In Abra Cloud you can test the first screen for free or pay to test multiple screens. With Abra Desktop you can test any app from your Mac.

At this moment, we have SDK's for XCUITest (iOS) and Espresso (Android). We have plans to support more frameworks in the near-future, such as Appium.