Clear solutions

Fixing accessibility issues in apps can be challenging. You need deep knowledge of accessibility features and the ability to interpret guidelines correctly. Abra simplifies the process by providing well defined issues, relevant insights and clear solutions.

Overview of Abra products; Cloud, Desktop and SDK connect to Dashboard, which connects to Academy and Documentation

Reproducible test results

Clear and reproducible issues are key to solving them effectively. Our automated and manual testing tools are built on accessibility rules.

  • Abra Desktop

    Test the accessibility of any app screen by screen from your desktop.

    Explore Abra Desktop
  • Abra SDK

    Automatically test the accessibility of your apps using our testing engine.

    Explore Abra SDK

Easily solve issues

A clear solution is given for every issue that is reported automatically or manually.

Accessibility knowledge

Abra helps you gain the knowledge you need to fix accessibility issues in apps. With predefined rules, resolving issues becomes faster, easier, and more efficient.

Why choose Abra

  • You get the most extensive in-depth knowledge

  • You get direct contact with thought leaders

  • We are #SeriousAboutAppAccessibility

Need clear solutions?