Abra wins Best in Tech award

The Dutch Interactive Awards (DIA) are the prizes for the very best interactive work by Dutch makers. The best professionals in the field have a chance to win a DIA PRO.

This year, Jan Jaap de Groot, the co-founder of Abra, won in the Best in Tech category.

On stage, a big screen displays that Jan Jaap de Groot is the gold winner in the Best in Tech category at the Dutch Interactive AwardsThe jury writes:

Jan Jaap has been an advocate for digital accessibility for many years. He is, among other things, the initiator of appt.org, an internationally leading platform that supports organizations in making apps accessible. Jan Jaap also developed the screenreader.app, launched the hotline Inaccessible, leads the W3C's Mobile Accessibility Task Force and regularly speaks at conferences at home and abroad. The combination of this unprecedented commitment, social relevance and technical knowledge makes Jan Jaap the winner of this award.

We are grateful for these words. It gives us extra motivation to keep making apps accessible!
Jan Jaap stands next to to host, he holds the Best in Tech award in his hands