Abra Desktop support

Welcome to the support page of Abra Desktop.

Available topics:

  1. Installation

  2. Dependencies

  3. Devices

  4. Apps

  5. Testing

  6. Personal support


Abra Desktop can be installed on macOS 13 or higher. Other operating systems are not supported at this moment.

First, download the Abra Desktop installer. Open it, a new window will appear. Move Abra Desktop to your Applications folder.

Open your Applications folder, and open Abra Desktop. Once Abra Desktop has opened, you need to log in with your Abra account. You can create a free account if you don't have one yet.

After logging in, you need to set up paths to some dependencies. More information can be found in the next section.

After setting up the paths, you are ready to start testing the accessibility of apps!


Abra Desktop requires some command line tools to be installed. These command line tools are part of Android Studio and Xcode.


Abra Desktop requires adb. ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge, which we use to communicate with Android devices.

Open the Terminal and run: which adb

  • Success: path, e.g. /Users/Abra/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb

  • Error: adb not found

    1. Please install Android Studio 2023 or newer

    2. Open Android Studio, open Settings, search for "SDK", open Android SDK section, copy the path listed in the "Android SDK Location" field.

    3. The location points to the Android SDK, e.g. /Users/Abra/Library/Android/sdk. ADB is located in the subfolder /platform-tools/adb. For example: /Users/Abra/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb

    4. Try if ADB is installed correctly, run /Users/Abra/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb --version in the Terminal. It should return output containing: Android Debug Bridge version 1.x.x

    5. Add the ADB path to your PATH: export PATH=$PATH:<ADB_PATH_COPIED_FROM_ABOVE>

    6. Update paths: source .bash_profile

    7. Abra Desktop should now detect ADB when you refresh. If not, you can provide the path manually in the ADB input field.


Abra Desktop requires xcrun. Xcrun is used to run Xcode developer tools.

Open the Terminal and run: which xcrun


Abra Desktop requires devicectl. DeviceCtl is used to communicate with iOS devices.

Open the Terminal and run: xcrun --find devicectl

  • Success: path, e.g. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/devicectl

  • Error: xcrun: error: unable to find utility "devicectl"


Abra Desktop requires simctl. SimCtl is used to communicate with iOS simulators.

Open the Terminal and run: xcrun --find simctl

  • Success: path, e.g. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/simctl

  • Error: xcrun: error: unable to find utility "simctl"


Abra Desktop requires xcodebuild. Xcodebuild is used to execute tests.

Open the Terminal and run: xcrun --find xcodebuild

  • Success: path, e.g. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild

  • Error: xcrun: error: unable to find utility "xcodebuild"


Abra Desktop can detect Android devices, Android emulators, iOS devices and iOS simulators.

  • The minimum Android version is 8.

  • The minimum iOS version is 17.

Note: Abra Desktop does not automatically refresh devices at this moment. Use the refresh button to update your list of devices.

Is your device not listed? Check out our solutions below.

Android devices

Abra Desktop can detect Android devices. You must enable USB debugging to allow us to detect your device.

  1. First, you need to enable developer options.

  2. Open the Settings app

  3. Open the "About this phone" section (naming can differ based on Android version)

  4. Find "Build number" information, it's usually located in the "Software information" section.

  5. Tap the "Build number" 7 times to become a developer (congratulations!)

  6. Navigate back to the main Settings menu

  7. Open the new "Developer options" section

  8. Enable the "USB debugging" toggle

  9. Disconnect your Android device, and reconnect it.

  10. Press the refresh button in Abra Desktop to refresh the list of devices. It should now include your Android device.

Note: Abra Desktop only lists Android devices running on Android 8 or higher.

If your device is not listed, you might need to use a different USB cable for data transfer. You can check if your device is recognized as USB devices by executing the ioreg -p IOUSB command in the Terminal.

Android emulators

Abra Desktop can detect Android emulators. No additional setup is required.

Note: Abra Desktop only lists active Android emulators running on Android 8 or higher.

iOS devices

Abra Desktop can detect iOS devices. Your computer must be trusted to allow us to detect your device.

  1. Connect your device to your computer.

  2. Enter your passcode, if you have one, to unlock your device.

  3. Select your device in Finder and click Trust.

  4. On your device, tap Trust in the alert dialog.

Note: Abra Desktop only lists iOS devices running on iOS 17 or higher.

iOS simulators

Abra Desktop can detect iOS simulators. No additional setup is required.

Note: Abra Desktop only lists active iOS simulators running on iOS 17 or higher.


Abra Desktop can extract installed apps from Android devices, Android emulators, iOS devices and iOS simulators.

Note: Abra Desktop does not automatically refresh apps at this moment. Use the refresh button to update your list of apps.

Is your app not listed? Check out our solutions below.

Android apps

Abra Desktop uses adb retrieve a list of installed apps.

If your app is not listed, you probably need to update your package visibility.

iOS apps

Abra Desktop uses devicectl and simctl to retrieve a list of installed apps.

If your app is not listed, you should file a bug report at Apple.


Abra Desktop can run automated accessibility tests on Android devices, Android emulators, iOS devices and iOS simulators.

Is testing not working? Check out our solutions below.

Android testing

  • Check if your device is unlocked.

  • Check if your device has a working internet connection.

  • Not working? Contact us.

iOS testing

To test on an iOS device, your unique device identifier (UDID) needs to be added to our certificate. The UDID is listed in the device dropdown. When you open the dropdown, you can right-click on a device to copy the UDID. Send your UDID to: janjaap@abra.ai We are working on automating this process.

  • Check if your device is unlocked.

  • Check if your device has a working internet connection.

  • Not working? Contact us.

Personal support

Need personal support? Contact us at: info@abra.ai